Relativity...Part 4

Einstein about Space and time
Now we have come to know that Einstein imagined time as a dimension. It means size of the object is going to change as the rate of time changes for that particular object. But how is this possible we don't feel a change in our sizes even when we are in motion. So one thing what we have to clear now is that time is not we think instead to understand time we have to think like Einstein.

Einstein said that in order to keep the speed of light constant space and time change themselves now the question is at what rate they change themselves Einstein published this paper in 1905 what he later called "time dilation" in which he has given us the equation that shows at what rate time gets dilated for the object which is in motion with respect to the other frame of reference which is in rest. But just memorizing the equation will not help us to understand.

In order to understand the true behaviour of time one has to imagine the way Einstein imagined. I want my every reader to imagine the situation and it goes like this imagine you are standing on the railway platform saying bye-bye to your friend who is in train and as the train is in motion two lightning strikes takes place at the 100m distant apart at the same time now with respect to you who is on ground standing at the centre that is at the 50th metre will come to the conclusion that both the lightning strikes took place at the same time but with respect to your friend who is in moving train will not conclude that the both the lightning strikes took place at same time why? Because your friend is moving towards one and away from the other so your friend is going to conclude that in the direction that he was in motion that lightning strike will be detected by him and after some time the lightning strike opposite to his direction of motion now the question that comes what is the factor that changes rate of change of time and answer is it is the rate of change of displacement that is velocity. As i already mentioned it is just because of our position in space and time and as they are bounded into one so change in one affects the other.

Here is the link for the derivation of time dilation if anyone is interested please go through this 
The factor gamma 
The Gamma factor

Is responsible for the changes that takes place. It means time is something which is affected by the velocity but speed of light is the ultimate limit and it also means that as faster we go in space time for us goes slowly. Now if the question comes to your mind what will be the time experienced by the person who goes with Speed of light itself then the answer is time for that person will be stopped as that person is moving with speed of light it means the person is just moving in space and dimension and motion in time dimension comes to 0. Going further we can come to conclusion that light don't experiences time itself because light moves with Speed of light. So light just moves in space dimension and motion in time dimension is absolutely zero. Now if we imagine ourselves going at the speed of light then with respect to us we will not feel flow of time as we will be completely in motion with highest speed in the universe. 

Time Dilation
But if one imagines what will happen if we go more than speed of light then mathematically speaking time will go in backward direction but upto now no one has gone through even 1% of speed of light which is 2997.92458km/sec.
Variation of gamma factor with speed of light

In the next blog i will discuss more about time dilation, applications of time dilation and more about strange  behaviour of single space-time that is still to discuss about.
And yes if you have any questions regarding these things or want to suggest something you can leave it in comment box.


Faizan said…
Good job! We'll explained. :)